Welcoming Alisa Nipp

Introducing our new dancers! Congratulations to each artist joining the Ballet 5:8 professional company for the 2020/21 Season. One of our traditions is asking a few questions to get to know them.

Alisa Nipp, Apprentice

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Q. Where will you be coming to Ballet 5:8 from?

A. Last year, I was a Trainee II in Ballet 5:8’s Trainee Program. Originally, I am from Southern California.

Q. What attracted you to Ballet 5:8?

A. I was attracted to Ballet 5:8 for multiple reasons. For one, I enjoy the company’s diverse repertoire of classical and contemporary ballet along with the powerful messages woven into each piece of repertoire. I admire how Julianna Slager approaches and presents tough and meaningful topics with a Christian lens through dance and am thrilled to partake in the conversations started by our art. Also, I have found that the environment the artists of Ballet 5:8 have created is invaluable for learning, growing, and thriving.

Q. Why do you dance?

A. I dance because it makes me feel whole. Dance is unique because it includes your whole being: spirit, soul, and body. As dancers, we are not complete in our artistry if we neglect one of those parts. Dance has made me more in tune with my whole being and has empowered me to speak when words fail.

Q. What is something you enjoy about Chicago or think you'll enjoy about Chicago?

A. I love the adventure and opportunities that come with a city. There are new things constantly popping up to explore and creative ideas always being put out there. But as for Chicago in particular, I appreciate experiencing the different seasons and love having a city vibe that isn’t overwhelming.

Q. What is one thing people will be surprised to learn about you?

A. I played basketball for six years!

Q. What are you most looking forward to about the coming performance season?

A. I’m looking forward to the unique opportunities that will arise this season because of Covid-19. Creativity thrives when there is a challenge, so everyone can expect to see Ballet 5:8 produce art that we have not done before. On a different note, I am a relational person, so I’m excited to bond with my fellow artists of Ballet 5:8 no matter what the 2020/21 season may bring!


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