Second Company
The Ballet 5:8 Second Company is a group of young professional artists affiliated with the Ballet 5:8 professional company.
Ballet 5:8’s Second Company is a group of exceptional young artists affiliated with Ballet 5:8. Ten exclusive Second Company positions give talented artists with professional potential a company experience as a final stepping stone to joining Ballet 5:8 or other professional companies.
The Ballet 5:8 Second Company is the next generation of artists to spark discussion of life and faith.
Starting with the 2024/2025 Season, the Ballet 5:8 Board of Directors voted to make it a tuition free program. Dancers are paid a performance stipend when they are cast with the professional company.
The Second Company represents Ballet 5:8 in the community by giving public performances of their own repertoire, as well as appearing in performances with the main company in Chicagoland and on tour. The dancers perform a diverse mix of classical and contemporary choreography. They also appear in outreach performances, lecture demonstrations and other community involvement initiatives.
Open by audition only to dancers with a strong background in classical and contemporary ballet. The Second Company is a full-time program with 30hrs/week of classes and rehearsals.
*Applicants who are not selected for Second Company positions may receive a contract in the Ballet 5:8 Trainee Program with the potential to progress to a Second Company position the following season.
Audition Deadline is March 31st | Apply by February 15th for Priority Consideration
First-round applications are accepted via video or in person during the Audition Tour.
A second-round audition at Ballet 5:8 studios is by invitation only.
The Second Company begins their season each year in July during Ballet 5:8’s Professional Intensive. Incoming dancers attend all five-weeks of the summer program in order to familiarize themselves with Ballet 5:8’s repertoire and style ahead of the performing season. Dancers are evaluated twice each year and receive detailed feedback on their progress within the program. Second Company members receive mentoring throughout the year to move toward their future goals. Second Company members are given first consideration for any open positions with the Ballet 5:8 professional company and are also equipped to pursue contracts with other professional companies.

Artistic Staff
Second Company Director Libby Dennen is an integral part of the program. She has worked closely alongside Julianna Rubio Slager since the beginning of Ballet 5:8 in 2012. She is an expert in Rubio Slager’s signature style, and has been heralded by her students as warm, brilliant, and easy to learn from. She particularly focuses on helping dancers to learn and retain choreography, emphasizing their unique artistry. Kim Sagami, Julianna Rubio Slager, Samuel Opsal, and Jonathan Bostelman also work with the Second Company in various classes and rehearsals.
FAQ’s for Second Company
Yes! As of 2025 Dancers can choose to live in the dorms at Trinity Christian College or get their own apartment. Dancers will be connected with other dancers if they are looking for a roommate.
Dancers showing alignment with Ballet 5:8's style and repertoire are promoted each year to the Company. Generally 2-3 Second Company members receive a contract each season. Since only 10 positions are offered, this is 20-30% of the program, a much higher rate than most companies.
Dancers can choose to purchase supplementary classes such as pas de deux, strength training, Pilates, pointe, variations and contemporary. Many dancers do choose to supplement with these classes in order to continue their artistic development.
Typically dancers perform 5-6 times with the Company and 6-8 times as their own performance group. This does vary from year to year, but the numbers reflect an average year.
Yes, Second Company members can and frequently do tour with the Company. Second Company members selected for touring have their costs covered and receive a performance stipend.
Yes, many do teach in the School. Teachers must apply to teach, and must be trained in Ballet 5:8's syllabus.
“I have grown more in these two years of the trainee company than I could have ever imagine! The hard work and knowledge I have received is irreplaceable.”
“I almost wonder what haven’t I gained from being able to work first-hand along side professionals. I’ve learned a lot in terms of how to be a good understudy and the precision of corps work, but I think the most valuable has been learning how to navigate company life and balancing that with my life outside of the studio. It’s a wholly different world from being in a pre-professional program.”
*Graduates of the former Trainee II program, the precursor to the Second Company. The Second Company debuted in the 2020/21 Season
Ballet 5:8 Second Company graduates receive first consideration for open positions with the Ballet 5:8 professional company, as well as individual career & audition counseling.
Program Graduates
Alessia Braggiato | Rebecca Jones
Rachel Walker | Caedence Sajdowitz | Katrina Clarke | Marissa Woo | Annaliese Icard | Alaina Beard | Natalie Chinn | Chance Ennis* | Kayla Kowach | Valerie Linsner* | Lydia Lund | Alisa Nipp | Laura Peterman Willis* | Emily Ratkos* | Melanie Rodrigues* | Katelyn Roth | Miranda Rubio* | Ruth Sevlie | Sophia Snider | Ford Tackett | James Wainwright*
*This listing includes graduates of the former Trainee II program, the precursor to the Second Company. The Second Company debuted in the 2020/21 Season.