We need community leaders who believe that truth, wrapped in beauty, is essential to our communities.
Our world is aching for stories that bring beauty, hope, and empathy into our communities. Support Ballet 5:8 as we reframe relevant cultural issues in a compelling story with breathtaking dance, detailed costumes, sweeping scores, and captivating scenic & lighting designs.

Your support will cover the creation of New Works this season.
Thank you mention during the pre-show announcement all season
Business logo/name featured all marketing materials for the season
Free full-page ad in our print and digital programs with a link to your website
Logo and link to your website on ballet58.org
Eight tags on email or social media
Work with Ballet 5:8 Dancers to create a reel promoting your business
PLUS Ten complimentary tickets to the performance of your choice
AND Meet Julianna Rubio Slager and some of the dancers after the performance as a special thank you for your sponsorshipItem description
Your support will cover part of the theater cost for one performance.
Thank you mention during the show announcement in your city
Business logo/name featured on the marketing materials in your city
Free full-page ad in our print and digital programs with a link to your website
Logo and link to your website on ballet58.org
Four tags on email or social media
PLUS Eight complimentary tickets to the performance
AND Meet Julianna Rubio Slager and some of the dancers after the performance as a special thank you for your sponsorship
Your support will provide a full tuition scholarship to one advanced dancer for a year of training at the School of Ballet 5:8
Thank you mention during the pre-show announcement all season
Business logo/name featured all marketing materials for the season
Free full-page ad in our School of Ballet 5:8 print and digital programs with a link to your website
Logo and link to your website on ballet58.org
Four tags on email or social media
PLUS Six complimentary tickets to a performance of your choice
AND Meet Julianna Rubio Slager and some of the dancers after the performance as a special thank you for your sponsorship
Your support will help cover the lighting, projection, and technician costs at the performance.
Business logo/name featured on printed marketing materials in your city
Listed on ballet58.org as a Stage Sponsor for the performance in your city
Free half-page ad in our digital programs with a link to your website
Two tags on email or social media
PLUS Six complimentary tickets to the performance
Your support will help cover the costs of the artists' food and housing while on tour.
Business logo/name featured on printed marketing materials in your city
Listed on ballet58.org as an Artist Sponsor for the performance in your city
One tag on email or social media
PLUS Four complimentary tickets to the performance
FULL PAGE (4.5”x7.5”) | $350
PLUS One email featuring your logo
HALF PAGE (4.5”x 3.75”) | $225
Add-on features available
QUARTER PAGE (4.5”x 1.875”) | $160
Add-on features available
CREATE A REEL with Ballet 5:8 | $500
MEDIA SHOUTOUT | $50/shoutout
Inclusion on an email blast to Ballet 5:8’s contact list
Mention/tag on Facebook/Instagram
In addition to these options Ballet 5:8 is always open to custom sponsorship arrangements
Regularly Featured in Publications & News Outlets
The performance was stunning!
— Lana Flowers, Messiah University
In the arts we find a means to express the inexpressible and to share the stories that shape our hearts, explaining the unexplainable, conveying the inconceivable... [Ballet 5:8] gently impresses them on our souls in a way that leaves us distinctly richer for the experience.”
— John Barcanic, ED of World Relief Chicago
“It was a blessing to host you and meet you all. You’re an inspiration”
— Jeremy Stanbury, Open Window Theatre
Make a Reel with Ballet 5:8
With a rapidly growing social network and Instagram reels performing at an average of 10-12k views up to more than 2 million views, we regularly work with partners to create stunning content that elevates our partnerships.