Welcoming James Wainwright

Introducing our new dancers! Congratulations to each artist joining the Ballet 5:8 professional company for the 2020/21 Season. One of our traditions is asking a few questions to get to know them.

James Wainwright, Senior Apprentice


Q. Where will you be coming to Ballet 5:8 from?

A. I’m coming to Ballet 5:8 from Ballet 5:8! I grew up in Chicago and just graduated from the Ballet 5:8 Trainee Program.

Q. What attracted you to Ballet 5:8?

A. The message and mission we bring has always been amazing to be around.

Q. Why do you dance?

A. I dance to make amazing art! I love the process of making art, especially in a grace-filled way.

Q. What is something you enjoy about Chicago or think you'll enjoy about Chicago?

A. I love Chicago! It’s my home city and ever since I was a kid, the city moves and thrives just like the people and culture.

Q. What is one thing people will be surprised to learn about you?

A. I play the ukulele and I’m colorblind.

Q. What are you most looking forward to about the coming performance season?

A. The ability to perform again after all of this staying at home!


Welcoming Miranda Rubio


Welcoming Alisa Nipp