Welcoming Miranda Rubio

Introducing our new dancers! Congratulations to each artist joining the Ballet 5:8 professional company for the 2020/21 Season. One of our traditions is asking a few questions to get to know them.

Miranda Rubio, Apprentice


Q. Where will you be coming to Ballet 5:8 from?

A. I’ve been living in Chicago for the last five years to attend Ballet 5:8’s Conservatory and Trainee program. Originally (and in my heart) I’m from Michigan.

Q. What attracted you to Ballet 5:8?

A. Initially the high level of classical training in conjunction with small class sizes and the opportunity for more individualized coaching. Training here for so long has cultivated a love for Ballet 5:8’s mission of engaging with audiences in important discussions through the medium of dance.

Q. Why do you dance?

A. Movement is hardwired into my body. Before I pursued full time classical training I did jazz and contemporary. Studios and stages have always been where I feel most alive. Ballet has become a home to me. It’s a grounding point no matter where I am in life I know what happens when you step up to the barre.

Q. What is something you enjoy about Chicago or think you'll enjoy about Chicago?

A. I love going downtown. There’s so much diversity in the city that you could spend a long time exploring before you get bored.

Q. What is one thing people will be surprised to learn about you?

A. Turtles are, bar none, my favorite animal. My family and friends have helped me amass quite the collection of turtle figurines, both from around the US and the world.

Q. What are you most looking forward to about the coming performance season?

A. I love the process of creating new choreography. As a trainee I’ve both watched and experienced many ballets coming to life through dancer-choreographer collaboration. I’m really looking forward to engaging in that dialogue with my fellow artists.


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