Miranda Rubio | Mercy

Adapting to the current world situation, Ballet 5:8 has created new ballets designed for the outdoors! Learn about Julianna Rubio Slager’s Mercy from the artists themselves.

Apprentice, Miranda Rubio

Q. What is special about Mercy?


A. Being in a classical company you never get to dance to music with lyrics, and if you do it’s usually opera! Getting to dance to songs that boldly proclaim the name of Jesus is a unique and exciting opportunity.

Q. Does the genre of music affect your dancing? How is dancing to a song with words different from dancing to a classical piece?

A. Definitely. The music always effects the dance, even going from violin to piano is different. With this score it’s more jazzy and has a different sort of punch to it, so that also informs the movement.

Q. What do you focus on while you practice the choreography for this performance?

A. Usually breathing. With new work it’s easy to get wrapped up in steps and counts and forget to to relax, take a breathe, and enjoy the movement.

Q. What is your favorite part of Mercy?

A. Kanye. It’s really fun to dance to such an upbeat song AND for it to be off an album that I’m already obsessed with doesn’t hurt either.

Q. Why should someone go see Mercy?

A. It’s fun. It makes you want to get up and dance. Why not enjoy a simple telling of the gospel whole seeing beautiful and dance and uplifting music.


Melanie Rodrigues | Mo(u)rning


Miranda Rubio | Mo(u)rning