Melanie Rodrigues | Mo(u)rning

Adapting to the current world situation, Ballet 5:8 has created new ballets designed for the outdoors! Learn about Julianna Rubio Slager’s Mo(u)rning from the artists themselves.

Senior Apprentice, Melanie Rodrigues

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Q. What role will you be playing in Mo(u)rning?

A. I’ve been dancing the Bargaining solo. It is the third stage of grief where you are in a position of wanting to trade what you have or where you are for something else. You are pleading for your situation to change. And you are at the point of asking the “why God?” question.

Q. What traits of your character are you trying to emulate while dancing?

A. Our inspiration was Bethsheba pleading for the life of her son after the Lord had sent a deadly illness to the child. She is asking for the mercy of the Lord even though it was sent as a consequence of the sinful act between her and David. She is pleading for her situation to change, hoping to trade what she has for a better outcome. 

Q. In what ways do you relate to the message of Mo(u)ring?

A. I relate to this solo in particular because I’ve recently been in a season of asking God why and asking him to change the narrative of this story. 

Q. What is your favorite part of Mo(u)rning?

A. I love how relatable Mo(u)rning is no matter what season of life you are in. For me it has been healing to put movement to these particular feelings and stages of grief which can otherwise be hard to process.

Q. Why should someone go see Mo(u)rning?

A. You should come to see Mo(u)rning to help yourself process through the stages of grief in a way you may not have before. Everyone goes through grief at some point in their life, so it is easily relatable.


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