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Backstage Pass | Reckless

Backstage Pass | Reckless

Join Artistic Director Julianna Rubio Slager for a master class on Transitions and Musicality, watch company class, have a Q&A with the professional artists, and enjoy an in-studio performance of Ballet 5:8's Reckless. This is a great experience for aspiring professional dancers.

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Pointe Intensive
to Jun 12

Pointe Intensive

Pirouettes: some dancers love them, some hate them… but everyone can find ways to improve! Whether you’re struggling with your turns or just want to take your dancing to the next level, Ballet 5:8 faculty will take you in-depth into the mechanics of different styles of pirouettes.

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Master Class | Flight Paths in Allegro

Master Class | Flight Paths in Allegro


Spring Master Class Series

Fine Tune Your Technique And Gain Inspiration with Ballet 5:8

Each master class is open to dancers with intermediate/advanced classical ballet training, ages 12-18, and focuses on a different theme. Attend one class or the entire series.

Flight Paths in Allegro | How to create clear lines and arcs in your jumps | Olivia Kruse

Check-In | 12:30-1PM

Master Class | 1-3PM

Cost is $25 per class or $125 for the entire six-week series. 

Pre-registration is required; registration is non-refundable. 

Classical ballet attire required.

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Backstage Pass | Golden Sessions

Backstage Pass | Golden Sessions


Backstage Pass | Golden Sessions

Youth ages 10-18 are invited to join the professional touring company of Ballet 5:8 for an afternoon shadowing the day in the life of a professional dancer. Join Solo Artist Olivia Kruse for a master class on Allegro, have lunch with the professional dancers and hear stories about their experiences as students and professionals, watch company class, and enjoy an in-studio performance of Ballet 5:8's Golden Sessions and Mo(u)rning. This is a great experience for aspiring professional dancers.

This is an all-day event from 12:30 - 9PM.


Check in | 12:30 - 1PM
Master Class | 1 - 3PM
Lunch and Q&A | 3:15 - 4:15PM
Backstage Pass* | 4:15 - 5PM
Watch Company Class | 5 - 6PM
Meet the Choreographer | 6 - 6:30PM
Golden Sessions Performance and Talkback | 7-9PM

Cost: $50

Admission price covers the Master Class, exclusive tours and seminars, and the Golden Sessions performance.

*Backstage Pass will include exclusive tours of costumes, backstage areas, etc.

For the master class, classical ballet attire required. Attendees should also pack a sack lunch and additional snacks.

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Master Class | Pointe Work 301

Master Class | Pointe Work 301


Spring Master Class Series

Fine Tune Your Technique And Gain Inspiration with Ballet 5:8

Each master class is open to dancers with intermediate/advanced classical ballet training, ages 12-18, and focuses on a different theme. Attend one class or the entire series.

Pointe Work 301 | How to make your pointe work effortless | Brette Benedict

Check-In | 9:30-10AM

Master Class | 10-12PM

Cost is $25 per class or $125 for the entire six-week series. 

Pre-registration is required; registration is non-refundable. 

Classical ballet attire required.

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Master Class | Eye Lines

Master Class | Eye Lines


Spring Master Class Series

Fine Tune Your Technique And Gain Inspiration with Ballet 5:8

Each master class is open to dancers with intermediate/advanced classical ballet training, ages 12-18, and focuses on a different theme. Attend one class or the entire series.

Eye Lines | How your eyes can change everything | Jessica Lohr

Check-In | 9:30-10AM

Master Class | 10-12PM

Cost is $25 per class or $125 for the entire six-week series. 

Pre-registration is required; registration is non-refundable. 

Classical ballet attire required.

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Master Class | Transitions

Master Class | Transitions


Spring Master Class Series

Fine Tune Your Technique And Gain Inspiration with Ballet 5:8

Each master class is open to dancers with intermediate/advanced classical ballet training, ages 12-18, and focuses on a different theme. Attend one class or the entire series.

Transitions | The importance of understanding the in-between steps | Elizabeth Marlin

Check-In | 9:30-10AM

Master Class | 10-12PM

Cost is $25 per class or $125 for the entire six-week series. 

Pre-registration is required; registration is non-refundable. 

Classical ballet attire required.

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Master Class | Arabesque

Master Class | Arabesque


Spring Master Class Series

Fine Tune Your Technique And Gain Inspiration with Ballet 5:8

Each master class is open to dancers with intermediate/advanced classical ballet training, ages 12-18, and focuses on a different theme. Attend one class or the entire series.

Arabesque | How to find the best line for your body | Amy Sanderson

Check-In | 9:30-10AM

Master Class | 10-12PM

Cost is $25 per class or $125 for the entire six-week series. 

Pre-registration is required; registration is non-refundable. 

Classical ballet attire required.

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Spring Master Class Series
to Apr 10

Spring Master Class Series


Spring Master Class Series

Fine Tune Your Technique And Gain Inspiration with Ballet 5:8

Each master class is open to dancers with intermediate/advanced classical ballet training, ages 12-18, and focuses on a different theme. Attend one class or the entire series. Master teachers include Sarah Clarke, Amy Sanderson, Elizabeth Marlin, Olivia Kruse, Jessica Lohr, and Brette Benedict.

March 6 - April 3

Check-In | 9:30-10AM

Master Class | 10-12PM

April 10

Check-In | 12:30-1PM

Master Class | 1-3PM


March 6 | Sarah Clarke | Foot Articulation | How to use your feet to their fullest in ballet class

March 13 | Amy Sanderson | Arabesque | How to find the best line for your body

March 20 | Elizabeth Marlin | Transitions | The importance of understanding and executing the in-between steps

March 27 | Jessica Lohr | Eye Lines | How your eyes can change everything

April 3 | Brette Benedict | Pointe Work 301 | How to make your pointe work effortless

April 10 | Olivia Kruse | Flight Paths in Allegro | How to create clear lines and arcs in your jumps

Cost is $25 per class or $125 for the entire six-week series. 

Pre-registration is required; registration is non-refundable. 

Classical ballet attire required.

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Master Class | Foot Articulation

Master Class | Foot Articulation


Spring Master Class Series

Fine Tune Your Technique And Gain Inspiration with Ballet 5:8

Each master class is open to dancers with intermediate/advanced classical ballet training, ages 12-18, and focuses on a different theme. Attend one class or the entire series.

Foot Articulation | How to use your feet to their fullest in ballet class | Sarah Clarke

Check-In | 9:30-10AM

Master Class | 10-12PM

Cost is $25 per class or $125 for the entire six-week series. 

Pre-registration is required; registration is non-refundable. 

Classical ballet attire required.

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