Welcoming Lydia Lund

Introducing our new dancers! Congratulations to each artist joining the brand new Ballet 5:8 Second Company for the 2020/21 Season.

Lydia Lund, Second Company Artist


Q. Where will you be coming to Ballet 5:8 from?

A. I’m from Fort Wayne, Indiana where I trained with Project Ballet.

Q. What attracted you to Ballet 5:8?

A. I was really excited about the physicalization of combining my faith and my passion for dance into one cohesive venture.

Q. Why do you dance?

A. I feel the Lord gave me the ability to dance, and I want to give back to him in some small way by praising him through my movement.

Q. What is something you enjoy about Chicago or think you'll enjoy about Chicago?

A. I’m a longtime fan of the Chicago Cubs, so I love the potential to see a game.

Q. What is one thing people will be surprised to learn about you?

A. I wrote a short novel for my high school senior project.

Q. What are you most looking forward to about the coming performance season?

A. I’m really excited to perform on stage again. With everything happening, it has been so long since I’ve been on a stage, and I’m looking forward to hopefully being there again soon.


Alisa Nipp | Dry Bones


Elizabeth Marlin | Dry Bones