Elizabeth Marlin | Dry Bones

A celebration of our hope in God, Dry Bones tells the epic ancient story of the Valley of Dry Bones from the Book of Ezekiel. Hear what the Ballet 5:8 artists have to say about this innovative new ballet by Artistic Director Julianna Rubio Slager.

Elizabeth Marlin, Company Artist

Elizabeth Dry Bones Cropped.jpg

Q: What has stood out to you the most about the choreography of Dry Bones? How is Dry Bones different from other ballets in the Ballet 5:8 repertoire?

A: The choreography of Dry Bones is very unique. It goes deep into exploring new ideas of how the body can move and then blends them with contemporary ballet. It stands out from other ballets in the company's repertoire through its daring exploration of the range of the human body and by pushing it to the extreme.

Q: What does the story of the Valley of Dry Bones mean to you? How do you convey this meaning through your dancing?

A: The story of the dry bones in Ezekiel illustrates to me how God can take something that is so dead, broken, and beyond hope of repair and breathe His new life of grace into it. I try to convey this through the transformation of movement from being a lifeless heap in the beginning of the ballet to a living, breathing testament of God's goodness by the end of the ballet.

Q: Why should audience members see Dry Bones?

A: Not only will this be a world premiere of a brand-new ballet, but it also serves as a living reminder of God's almighty power and His ability to revive and restore hopeless situations through His grace. No matter where we are in our lives, this is a timeless message of inspiration that will carry us through even the darkest of valleys.

The online premiere of Dry Bones will be Friday, November 13. Learn more at ballet58.org/online.


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