Alisa Nipp | Season in Review

One of our Ballet 5:8 traditions at the end of each performance season is to ask the artists of the company to share some reflections with us. Getting to know the dancers and hearing about their journey is always a treat, and this year is no exception - even in a year turned upside down by a national pandemic! A special thank you to the artists of the company for sharing about their experiences in the 2019/20 Season.

Congratulations to Ballet 5:8 Trainee Alisa Nipp, who was promoted to Company Apprentice at the conclusion of the 2019/20 Season.

Q. Pick one word to describe the overall season. Why?


A. Crafted. Everything, from the highs to the lows, felt purposeful. They seem crafted in a way to build us up and build us stronger. Our edges are being refined to reflect more beauty.

Q. Can you share a favorite moment from on or offstage?

A. Often, my favorite moments are offstage. I love having the opportunity to watch my fellow dancers from different angles. At one theater, I was able to watch Still Waters from the rafters, and that piece is stunning from an aerial view.

Q. Of course choosing this is probably going to be hard, but out of the works you performed this season, does one stand out as the most meaningful or most notable for you personally? Why?

A. Butterfly was most meaningful because of all the stories being represented in just an hour. It was a privilege to be a part of something that honored the Jewish People during WWII.

Q. Is there a particular quote or idea that has been inspirational to you this season?

A. From beginning to end, this past season God was faithful. When things were good, I couldn't help but smile that God is good. When things were rough, I clung to that fact that God is good.

Q. What was Quarantine like?

A. I'm very grateful that Ballet 5:8 continued to offer classes over Zoom during quarantine because it gave me something to do and it kept me in shape. The last month was a little hard to stay motivated, but I knew that I had to keep pushing through if I wanted to take care of myself physically and mentally.

Q. What are you up to this summer?

A. This summer, I am helping launch Ballet 5:8 NOW. This new program makes Ballet 5:8's dance training accessible online anytime, anywhere. I'm doing a lot of filming, editing videos, organizing content, planning, and teaching.


Jessica Lohr | Season in Review


Brette Benedict | Mo(u)rning