Brette Benedict | Mo(u)rning

Adapting to the current world situation, Ballet 5:8 has created new ballets designed for the outdoors! Learn about Julianna Rubio Slager’s Mo(u)rning from the artists themselves.

Lead Artist, Brette Benedict


Q. In what ways do you relate to the message of Mo(u)ring?

A. Mourning is a process I think most of us either avoid and get stuck in one of the stages or life gently happens and we go through the stages without intentionality. In learning the different stages, it's order, and how they flow from one to another I truly reflected more deeply during this time. I realized that I tend to let life happen and try my hardest to move directly towards acceptance without acknowledging that there are a lot of stages to go through and process to find true acceptance.  But once processed and accepted the peace that overwhelms me feels like a calm quiet morning sun rise and the hope of a new day!

Q. What is your favorite part of Mo(u)rning?

A. My favorite part is definitely the end and the unity of everyone finding acceptance.

Q. Why should someone go see Mo(u)rning?

A. Wether you have gone through deep grief, loss, or are still processing, being able to see and experience the movement truly will help you see where you are and where you would like to be! We all need to find acceptance with whatever we are experiencing. We all want to feel the beginning of a new day!


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