2020/21 Season in Review | Laura Peterman

Hear from Ballet 5:8 Company Artist Laura Peterman as she reflects on her experiences during the 20/21 Season.

Laura Peterman in Julianna Rubio Slager’s Reckless

Laura Peterman in Julianna Rubio Slager’s Reckless

Pick one word to describe the overall season. Why?

I would choose the word "redeemed." Coming into this season, I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders as I learned to find freedom in my dancing and artistic expression and let go of perfectionism and fear that was holding me back. Performing on stage again after many months away from the theater also felt like a redeeming moment not just for myself, but the entire company.

Can you share a favorite moment from on or offstage?

This is a hard question...I look back on this season so fondly! My favorite moments are almost always pre-show: backstage before we go on, everyone is supporting each other, cheering each other on, and giving little notes and gifts of encouragement. These community-building moments are so special to me.

Out of all the works you performed this season, does one stand out as the most meaningful or most notable for you personally? Why?

Golden Sessions has been the most notable for me personally. While we had some other amazing works this season (Reckless is the first to come to mind), Golden was the first classical ballet we did in the fall and was also the last ballet I performed at the end of the season this spring.

Reflecting on the different kinds of love, how I can show that love to others, and how God has shown love to me really made an impact on my life this year. This ballet will always hold a special place in my heart.

Is there a particular quote or idea that has been inspirational to you this season?

I don't have a quote or complete idea, but one thing that has rekindled my joy and passion this season after a difficult year was remembering how fleeting this profession is. Knowing that I cannot do this forever encouraged me to take advantage of each rehearsal day and performance, to dance more fearlessly and openly, and to not hold back. I've enjoyed living in the moment and serving & worshipping alongside such called and gifted artists, for however long I am able.

What are you up to this summer?

This summer I will be taking some time off to rest, recover, and prepare for the arrival of my baby! I plan to fit in lots of naps, walks, and spend some more time focusing on my work in Ballet 5:8's Marketing Department. My husband and I also have tentative plans to travel out west camping and hiking through southern Utah and Arizona before I get too uncomfortable! I am looking forward to time to process and prepare for this exciting life change.


2020/21 Season in Review | Miranda Rubio


2020/21 Season in Review | Lezlie Gray