Summer Intensive
Tuition and Fees
Ballet 5:8 Summer Intensives 2025
Registration Fees
Registration fees are specific to Summer Intensive; the School of Ballet 5:8 registration fee for year-round programs does not cover Summer Intensive registration. Fees apply per student based on the date of registration, and are due at the time of registration.
PRIORITY REGISTRATION | $50 November 1st - February 15th
STANDARD REGISTRATION | $150 February 16th - March 30th
LATE REGISTRATION | $200 April 1st - June 1st
Deposits (listed first) are due at the time of registration and are non-refundable. The remaining fee (listed second) is due by March 31st. After March 31st, tuition and fees are due at the time of registration. For assistance, contact us.
FIVE-WEEK PROGRAM | $500 + $1,600 ($2,100 total)
THREE-WEEK PROGRAM | $500 + $1,000 ($1,500 total)
TWO-WEEK PROGRAM | $500 + $550 ($1,050 total)
FAST TRACK, ONE WEEK PROGRAM | $375, due at registration
CHOREOGRAPHY INTENSIVE | $500 + $250 ($750 total)
PAS DE DEUX INTENSIVE | $500 + $250 ($750 total)
Deposits (listed first) are due at the time of registration and are non-refundable. The remaining fee (listed second) is due by March 31st. Housing registration will not be accepted after March 31st. Additional information on housing can be found here.
FIVE-WEEK PROGRAM | $200 + $2,400 ($2,600 total)
THREE-WEEK PROGRAM | $200 + $1,800 ($2,000 total)
TWO-WEEK PROGRAM | $200 + $1,300 ($1,500 total)
CHOREOGRAPHY INTENSIVE | $200 + $600 ($800)
PAS DE DEUX INTENSIVE | $200 + $600 ($800)
Additional Information
Payment Deadlines
Registration fees, tuition deposits, and housing deposits* must be paid to complete registration and are non-refundable. All tuition and fees are due March 31st.
All accounts are required to have a payment method on file, tuition fees will be processed on their due dates. Declined transactions will receive a late fee. If tuition is not paid by April 7th, Students with an unpaid balance will be moved to the waitlist.
For students registering after March 31st (if space remains), all fees are due at the time of registration.
*A housing deposit is only required for students registering for housing. This does not apply to local/commuting students.
Pro-Rate Requests and Discounts
Participation in Ballet 5:8’s Summer Intensives requires full payment of all tuition and other fees in full by March 31st, if the final payment is 30 days or more overdue students will be dropped from the Intensive. Full participation by each dancer is encouraged for the best possible experience. We do not offer tuition discounts or prorated tuition for students unable to attend an entire program segment.
All registration fees and deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable. The remaining tuition and fees are subject to our Registration Withdrawal Policy.
Returned Checks
Returned checks are subject to a $25 returned check fee.
Dancers who choose to withdraw their Summer Intensive registration are subject to the following policies:
All withdrawal requests must be submitted in writing to be considered.
Registration fees and deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable, with no exceptions.
Housing fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
In the case of injury with a doctor’s note, tuition will be credited to the student’s account for the following summer. Applications for tuition credit require a written explanation of the injury and will be reviewed for approval. Housing fees are non-refundable.
All withdrawal requests are subject to the terms above. This includes withdrawal due to illness, injury, homesickness, change of plans, and any other reason.
We’re happy to assist you in your Summer Intensive journey. Please call our school office at 708-329-8773 or email us at schooloffice@ballet58.org with any inquiries.