“Rubio-Slager’s choreography flows like chimes; even when the wind has passed the beauty, the interaction lingers. It is my definition of phenomenal.”
— D'onminique Boyd-Riley, See Chicago Dance
“I was mesmerized”
— Harris Theater Audience Member
“The performance was powerful. Beautiful movement, imaginative choreography.”
- Opening Night Audience Member
“technically precise and beautifully graceful… the 5:8 Company does a stellar job conveying grief, longing, and some lighter moments of comedy.”
— Kathy D. Hey, Third Coast Review
Often held as the greatest of all virtues, love can even be said to be the bridge from mortals to the divine…But is it truly so?
BareFace is a fresh and enthralling story that leans into the best of what dance has been and blazes a trail into what dance is becoming. With a refreshing focus on dance as the main mechanism to move the story forward Rubio Slager disentangles her story from the usual pomp and circumstance. Instead the story is almost cinematic in it's pacing and storytelling, clever in it's use of physicality, sweeping stage pictures and gliding sets to guide the audience into the futuristic world of Glome. Inspired by the ancient myth of Cupid and Psyche, Rubio Slager tells a female-driven, utterly compelling story of love, jealousy and a case against the gods.
The story begs us to look inward at our desire for love and to ask whether or not we honestly understand the depths of our own hearts. We remain faceless until we are brave enough to look staunchly upon the ugliness of our duplicitous motives. We become beautiful when we release jealousy and embrace the truly selfless love of the divine. Set in the Grecian fairytale world of Glome, audiences can expect to be gripped by the dynamic storytelling through the impressive athletic prowess of Ballet 5:8’s dance artists. The full-length story ballet is brought to life by costume designer Lorianne Robertson, scenic design by Sarah L. Freeman & Great Lakes Scenic Design, and projections by Sarah L. Freeman & Julianna Rubio Slager.

Creative Cohort
Ballet 5:8 has partnered with C.S. Lewis Scholars and Artists to bring BareFace to life.
Thank you to the following collaborators.
Crystal and David Downing, The Wade Center
Andrew Lazo, C.S. Lewis Scholar
David Bates, Pints with Jack Co-Host
Karl “K.J.” Johnson, C.S. Lewis Institute Chicago
Miranda Rubio, BareFace Artistic Collaborator
Samuel Opsal, BareFace Artistic Collaborator
Sarah Clarke, BareFace Artistic Collaborator
James Wainwright, BareFace Artistic Collaborator
Libby Dennen, BareFace Artistic Collaborator
Lezlie Gray, BareFace Artistic Collaborator
Sophia Snider, BareFace Artistic Collaborator
Ellington Nichols, BareFace Artistic Collaborator

Premiere: March, 2023
Choreography: Julianna Rubio Slager
Costumes: Lorianne Robertson
Sets: Sarah L. Freeman with Great Lakes Scenic Design
Props: Sarah L. Freeman
Projections: Sarah L. Freema & Julianna Rubio Slager