Ballet 5:8 Online 2021/22 Season performances bring Ballet 5:8’s innovative storytelling and breathtaking dance to you wherever you are - anywhere across the world.
Ripple Effect Online Premiere
January 21-30, 2022
This January, Julianna Rubio Slager’s Ripple Effect from the 2016/17 Season is premiering online.
Ripple Effect is an intensely physical and emotional work by Ballet 5:8 Artistic Director Julianna Slager that uses movement to explore and reflect the reality of words: they may seem very small, but their impact echoes. There is an old children's rhyme that says, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." This may be true in a physical sense, but what about the emotional and spiritual impact of words? Words are not like a rock dropped on a solid surface, but like a pebble dropped into a pool of water. The ripple effect is infinite.