Welcoming Alaina Beard

Introducing our new dancers! Congratulations to each artist joining the brand new Ballet 5:8 Second Company for the 2020/21 Season.

Alaina Beard, Second Company


Q. Where will you be coming to Ballet 5:8 from?

A. I will be coming from Ballet 5:8’s Trainee program, into the second company. Originally, I am from Pelham, Alabama, from a school called Briarwood Ballet. 

Q. What attracted you to Ballet 5:8?

A. I really enjoyed Ballet 5:8’s mission to share life and faith through dance, as well as the choreography from Artistic Director Julianna Rubio Slager, which is a spin on contemporary ballet and a mixture of other styles of dance. It is quite refreshing to see and learn. 

Q. Why do you dance?

A. I dance because I love to. I feel most like myself and closest to God when I am dancing, I feel like it is what He has called me to do. 

Q. What is something you enjoy about Chicago or think you'll enjoy about Chicago?

A. I love the community that I have in Chicago, they are a wonderful support system and a great group of people and friends. 

Q. What is one thing people will be surprised to learn about you?

A. I love to sing. I sang through my grade school years and through high school, and now I am even on the worship team at my church. I, at one point, even wanted to be on Broadway. 

Q. What are you most looking forward to about the coming performance season?

A.  I am looking forward to the possibility of being able to dance more with the company!


Welcoming Natalie Chinn


Welcoming Sophia Snider