Meet the Characters | Reckless

Hear from the dancers about the characters they are portraying in Julianna Rubio Slager’s newest work, Reckless. Company Artist Libby Dennen shares about her character.


1. What role/character will you be dancing in Reckless?

I play the role of Gomer’s subconscious. The Subconscious dances alongside Gomer (the person) as well as her Intellect. This creates the ability to tell a much larger part of Gomer's internal world than you wouldn’t see in a typical ballet. 

2. How did you research/prepare for your role? What is something that stood out to you in your research?

I watched a lot of interviews and TED talks with survivors of sex trafficking, and people who have studied and understand that world. It was a lot of very intense information to take in and process. One common thread that stood out to me was how it's almost always a trusted friend/boyfriend/family member that pulls these girls into it. There's a series of steps the pimps follow in order to build trust, dependency, and then eventually gain control. It’s heartbreaking to hear how methodically they destroy someone’s life. 

3. Describe the movement/style of the choreography. Is it different/the same as what you've done before? What is the most challenging aspect of the ballet?

This ballet has similarities to other story ballets we've done in the past. We create movement that conveys and evokes certain emotions and follows specific narratives. This allows us to tell the story without relying on mime or simple gestures. But for Reckless we are taking it to a much larger scale. When a scene is created and steps have been established, we ask the questions: "How can it be bigger? How can we give more? Can we say this with a different part of our body? How can it be clearer? Are we pulling out all the layers of the story?" It's hard on our brains and our bodies, but in the end, it will be more than worth it. 

Personally, my biggest challenge is the emotional stamina needed. This story is intense and incredibly sad. Many of us are on stage for the majority of the ballet. Regardless of the physical stamina required, being in a story so deep and raw, with only a few breaks, is its own kind of difficulty. 

4. Why should audiences see Reckless?

These women are trapped. They are silenced, oppressed, and often forgotten. Come and learn about them. Come hear their stories, their pain, their hopes. We can't tell every detail of every story for every woman, but I hope to make one message clear: these are people to be loved.


Meet the Characters | Reckless


Meet the Characters | Reckless