Kayla Kowach | 22/23 Season in Review
One of our Ballet 5:8 traditions at the end of each performance season is to ask the artists of the company to share some reflections with us. A special thank you to the artists of the company for sharing about their experiences in the 2022/23 Season.
Photo by Kristie Kahns.
Q. Pick one word to describe the 2022/23 Season. Why?
A. Explorative. I got so many opportunities to explore different types of movement and storytelling. It has been exciting to revisit and dive deeper into these different expressions of dance, and to learn more about how movement can communicate to the audience.
Q. Can you share a favorite moment from on- or off-stage?
A. There are far too many incredible moments to choose from, but a moment that stands out the most is right before the cast of Look to the East comes on stage in the 4th movement. With ballet as demanding as Look to the East, it is impossible to do it alone, so as a cast, we would cheer each other on and worship together in the wings. Every time I have done that ballet I have been so impacted by the community of dancers around me and the presence of the Lord compelling us forward.
Q. You performed many works this season! Does one stand out as the most meaningful or most notable for you personally? Why?
A. I think Julianna Rubio Slager’s Look to the East is the most notable personally. This ballet pushed me to grow in every facet; technically- pushing my pointe work and stamina, spiritually- causing me to reflect on the power of the resurrection, and artistically- allowing me to explore how to communicate the joy of expectation and newness through ballet.
Q. What or who has inspired you this season?
A. As backward as it may sound, I was inspired by challenges this season. At the beginning of the year, as teaching staff, we encouraged our students to "Celebrate the Challenge". I found myself returning to the phrase over and over this season. Each challenge that we faced this season allowed us to grow together as a team and find solutions and opportunities that we would otherwise not have had. It was truly an inspiration to be a part of a team meeting challenges with such grace.
Q. What are you looking forward to next season?
A. I am looking forward to performing [Rubio Slager’s] Butterfly next season. Butterfly was the first ballet that I saw performed by Ballet 5:8, and was ultimately the reason that I decided to accept a position in the Trainee Program. I remember sitting in the audience, so moved, desiring so deeply to be a part of creating art that matters, and I hope to share that feeling with another aspiring artist through Butterfly next season.