Meet the Characters | Reckless

Hear from the dancers about the characters they are portraying in Julianna Rubio Slager’s newest work, Reckless. Solo Artist Jessica Lohr shares about her character.


1. What role/character will you be dancing in Reckless?

I will be dancing as part of the Greek Chorus in Reckless, which means I am portraying several different characters throughout the ballet. For the majority of Reckless, I will be portraying a sex worker, but I also morph into anything from a chair to a street drummer!

2. How did you research/prepare for your role? What is something that stood out to you in your research? 

I have spent a good amount of time watching interviews with sex workers and reading articles that expose the nature of human trafficking. It has been extremely eye-opening to learn more about this topic in preparation for Reckless. A common thread in the interviews I have watched is how each woman expressed that they were first trafficked by someone they trusted - a family member, trusted friend, or a boyfriend. This brings to light the way the sex industry takes advantage of a person's vulnerability. Human trafficking is a vast and prevalent issue in our culture and needs to be exposed more.

3. Describe the movement/style of the choreography. Is it different/the same as what you've done before? What is the most challenging aspect of the ballet?

The movement style is a very interesting blend of classical ballet technique with contemporary-street flavor. It's edgy and unexpected, allowing those moments of hope and calm that arise throughout the ballet to carry a deeply impactful contrast to the rest of the story. As a dancer, it has been really fun to explore a very unique style of movement!

As a member of the Greek Chorus, there is a lot of shifting into different characters and objects throughout the ballet. Finding a natural flow as we morph in and out of these characters as a group has been a really interesting challenge!

4. Why should audiences see Reckless

Art, and dance specifically, is an amazing tool for storytelling, and the story portrayed in Reckless is one that desperately needs to be told. The societal issue of human trafficking is incredibly prevalent throughout the world, and yet so rarely talked about. However, Reckless does more than simply bring awareness—it also tells a story of hope, forgiveness, and unconditional love, to a world that so badly needs to hear it. 


Meet the Characters | Reckless


Meet the Characters | Reckless