“The performance was powerful. Beautiful movement, imaginative choreography.”

- Opening Night Audience Member

See BareFace October 2023 in Grand Rapids and Chicago.

Step into the mesmerizing world of BareFace, a fresh and enthralling dance production that delves deep into thought-provoking themes and evocative storytelling. Inspired by the ancient myth of Cupid and Psyche, choreographer Julianna Rubio Slager tells a female-driven, utterly compelling story of love, jealousy, and a case against the gods.

“This production is a spectacular achievement, transposing from the page to the stage Lewis’s rich cast of characters and his tale of redeemed love. Going up the mountain, a voice asks Orual “Why should your heart not dance?” Leaving the theater, the BareFace audience responds “Why not dance, indeed?!““

- David Bates, Host of Pints with Jack Podcast

Creative Cohort

Ballet 5:8 has partnered with C.S. Lewis Scholars and Artists to bring BareFace to life.

Thank you to the following collaborators.

Sarah Clarke, BareFace Artistic Collaborator

James Wainwright, BareFace Artistic Collaborator

Libby Dennen, BareFace Artistic Collaborator

Lezlie Gray, BareFace Artistic Collaborator

Sophia Snider, BareFace Artistic Collaborator

Ellington Nichols, BareFace Artistic Collaborator

Crystal and David Downing, The Wade Center

Andrew Lazo, C.S. Lewis Scholar

David Bates, Pints with Jack Co-Host

Karl “K.J.” Johnson, C.S. Lewis Institute Chicago

Miranda Rubio, BareFace Artistic Collaborator

Samuel Opsal, BareFace Artistic Collaborator

Bring BareFace to your City

Why Does It Matter?

Stories are used to connect with people and find them wherever they are personally. Dance can speak volumes in ways that words cannot as audience goers are left to interpret the movements, music, lighting and emotions on stage through their own hearts and minds.

This is a powerful way to use our mission of bringing discussion of life and faith through innovative storytelling and breathtaking dance to move members of our communities.

While BareFace will show audiences the toxic and healthy forms of love, it is our hope and mission audience goers will be able to find the ultimate source of true love.

Why Do We Need You?

Innovative, high-caliber dance needs three things to succeed:

Visionary Artists
Community Members
Financial Support

If you’re interested in learning more about booking a performance, we invite you to email Executive Director, Jeremy Slager or call us at 312.725.4752.