Ballet 5:8 Artistic Director Julianna Slager’s 2016 premier Interplay
“...So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.”
— Psalm 90:12
Interplay presents a formidable exploration of the human imagination. The works two main characters, Wisdom and Folly, embody an ongoing debate within the mind and imagination. Exploring concepts drawn from the book of Proverbs and employing an angular, geometric movement style, Interplay is set to be a captivating duel of movement, ideas and emotion.
Ultimately, Interplay could be a challenging look inside ourselves.
Have you ever felt like there are multiple voices inside your mind?
It is probably safe to say that most of us have felt like this. At these times, it seems as if your very consciousness has divided itself into multiple characters. These characters are often at odds with each other. They seem to spend hours arguing. They can cause a noisy ruckus inside your head, heart and mind, and that ruckus can lead to a slew of powerful emotions. Not to mention the foggy mental exhaustion. The perplexing variety in perspectives. The confusion. At times, even downright antagonism.
What if the mirrors and personalities of the mind came to life?
Interplay is a noisy, chaotic, passionate, and even at times peaceful imagining of the animated dialog within the human mind, as seen from the perspective of the characters within it. Inspired by two characters from the book of Proverbs, uses an angular, geometric movement style to personify the captivating duel of ideas and emotion found within the human mind and the human heart. Whether the inside of the mind is like a calculated game of chess, a dizzying house of mirrors, or an intense confrontation between desire and will, Interplay wonders aloud who will end as the conqueror and questions what all could be at stake in the first place. It has been said, "Does not Wisdom call? Does not Understanding raise her voice?" and "The woman Folly is loud; she is seductive and knows nothing...". What do you think?
Premiere: February, 2016
Choreography: Julianna Slager
Costumes: Lorianne Robertson
PC: Kristie Kahns
PC: Kristie Kahns