Gospel Impressions
Premiere: September, 2021
Choreography: Julianna Rubio Slager
Costumes: Lorianne Robertson
Makoto Fujimura's exquisite paintings are the inspiration for Slager's newest work Gospel Impressions. Fujimura's work is layered, colorful and nuanced. Slager takes his work as a base and fleshes out both his inspiration and painting with movement and geometry that further illuminate the gospel stories.
Gospel Impressions is featured in our special 10th Anniversary Program. See it this spring across the Midwest or online.
Elizabeth Marlin & Samuel Opsal in Gospel Impressions. PC: Kristie Kahns
Lezlie Gray & Ford Tackett in Gospel Impressions. PC: Kristie Kahns
Elizabeth Marlin & Samuel Opsal in Gospel Impressions. PC: Kristie Kahns