From the whispers of the past we hear a resound that cannot be silenced. Every human, male or female, beautiful or plain, desirable or marginalized, born of privilege or born of poverty, each one is precious and created with purpose.
The remnants of art from the nearly forgotten children of Terezin beckon each of us to see the future with clear eyes that recognize and protect the deepest magic there is - the chaos and wonder that is the gift of life.
Julianna Rubio Slager’s Butterfly debuts at the Bowie Center for the Performing Arts. This powerful ballet tells the story of a Jewish art teacher who refuses to let the children of Terezin die without hope. She challenges her students to create art that speaks of their misery but also of the hope that lies within.
Also in this bill are Steve Rooks’ Windand Julianna Rubio Slager’s Counterpart.