2021 Trainees | Pursuing Dance Professionally
At the end of this Fall semester we asked the Ballet 5:8 trainees to reflect on the past few months of training and share some insights on what is like to pursue a professional dance career. Here they share in their own words about the challenges and joys of life as a trainee with a professional dance company.
Trainee Lilianne Harding, Photo by Kristie Kahns
Q. What has been the most influential part about working alongside the Ballet 5:8 company this fall season?
A. “Getting to see how a professional company works, seeing how they work together so that they succeed, being able to watch them and take notes so that in my classes and rehearsals I can apply what I’ve learned from them. I love how they lift up and bring honor to the Lord in what they do.” - Margaret Fitz
A. “The most influential part of working alongside the Ballet 5:8 has been learning to interpret the music in class and make my own artistic choices. This is along with the opportunity of being able to watch and dance beside other dancers in the company, which is a great inspiration for me to work hard and learn more.” - Iris VanWieren
A. “It has been amazing to have the opportunity to work alongside the company this season. I learn a lot by watching, so having the chance to watch them and even dance with them has been helpful for me in my technique and learning to use my artistry. The artists of the company inspire me in the way they pour their hearts out day after day with such grace, humility, generosity, and strength.” - Hannah Anderson
Q. What is something you are thankful for this fall season as a Trainee with Ballet 5:8?
A. “I am thankful for the safe and encouraging environment the faculty and dancers have created to pursue dance as well as the wonderful group of dancers I get to dance with.” - Elizabeth Tjia
A. “ I am truly thankful that Ballet 5:8 focuses on building a dancer as a whole. This goal has allowed me grow spiritually and improve my technique.” Annaliese Hunter
A. “I am so thankful to have such knowledgeable, and kind teachers that always give amazing classes.” - April Sakell
A. “I am thankful for the challenge and I really enjoy it, being pushed to become a better dancer everyday, growing and discovering myself as a dancer, I am thankful that I am challenged and trained to become the best version of myself, and its always exciting when you complete a “challenge” and then you get to go farther with it and “unlock” the next one! I am so thankful for the opportunity to train as a Trainee with Ballet 5:8!” - Margaret Fitz
Q. How have you grown technically & artistically this fall semester?
A. “ This semester, my instructors at Ballet 5:8 have helped me to grow technically and artistically through the rigorous training schedule and the many opportunities for performances we have had. In our classes and rehearsals, our teachers and directors work diligently with each student to help us advance individually as well as cultivate our ability to dance cohesively as a group.” - Grace Blando
A. “I remember at the beginning of the semester when BTN casting came out, when I saw the part that I had gotten [Anastasis] I didn’t think it was physically possible for me to do that role, so I sat down and worked out what was I going to need to do to prepare for this role. I’ve gained so much strength, and artistically I feel like I’m finally starting to let myself go more in the movement. My stamina increased so much! I’m slowly gaining more confidence in myself as a dancer the more my technique grows. I am so excited for next semester to push myself and become the next better version of myself, and so on and so forth, always growing the best I can. Also at the beginning of the year I wrote down my goals, and throughout the first semester I’d take a few every week and focus on them. Now looking at the list and being able to see how I’ve grown, and what I still need to continue to develop.” - Margaret Fitz
A. “I feel as though I have truly been able to access my most confident version of myself through my artistry. I feel as though I have really been able to access my core in my dancing as well, which has always been a struggle of mine.” - Naomi Babcock
Interested in becoming a Ballet 5:8 trainee? 2022/23 Audition Applications are open now! Click here to apply.