Brielle Rathbun

Guest Faculty, Summer Intensive

While Brielle Rathbun was born into a family of performers, her dance training began with strictly classical ballet, at schools like the Boston Ballet, Atlanta Ballet, and the Kansas City Ballet. But now, as an alumni of Alonzo King’s LINES in San Fransisco, Walnut Hill School of the Arts, the Big Muddy Dance Company, The Culture House, as well as BuildaBeast and Word In Motion in Los Angeles, she is able to incorporate a unique versatility to her movement as she tours as a professional choreographer. Brielle has choreographed several musicals, shows, and solo pieces (Globetrotters half-time show, CCA Italy 2017) in addition to directing and choreographing two full-length dance productions with Trinity Arts Center. With her perspective as both a performer and creator, Brielle loves engaging students in a classroom and inspiring them to train with spirit and grounded-ness as they push the boundaries of what they believe they are capable of. This has trickled out into her work with Project Dance in both Greenville, SC and internationally in Paris, France. After her appearances on ABC’s American Idol, she has used her passion for music to help her students connect their movement to the noise and create more dynamic art.

She currently resides in Atlanta working in both Contemporary Technique and Urban Dance.


Sol Maisonet


Jonathan Chapman